Sunday, October 14, 2007

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

Hmm, added my link. I like the WYSIWIG editor but it failed on me when trying to add the link (error in the page) and I had to go to the old-fashioned editor.

Our library is going to be using a pbwiki wiki (because of the WYSIWIG editor) for an 'Ideas box' where staff can log ideas and discuss them in an online environ. I am hoping it might get ideas floating across the entire library service instead of keeping them confined to a branch. It will be confined to library staff and password protected, even just to view it. I'd like to have it hosted on an internal server, but I don't want to spend money on something like this if it turns out staff are notgoing to use it (and I can just convert it across if it works well).

Because of the Ideas Box, I've had a bit of a play around with wikis. I even tried setting one up on my webserver (it comes bundled with it) but it had WAY too many options that I had not a clue about (and the server is slow). Honestly, I bought the space just so I could have my email day I might put something on there, but mostly I just use it to test stuff for work.