Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"For Librarians" page

I was sitting around the other day and thinking "I know a bunch of libraries that provide fantastic open-source software and enhancements but I cannot find anything on their websites about it" and then decided I'd make a page for librarians who were looking at us.

On this page I am going to release a bunch of stuff that we make/edit/create so that anyone can download it and have a play around. This will include:

Our facebook application to search an Amlib catalogue.
Any/all of our customised Amlib reports including the RSS reports and data export reports.
Our booking system for events (which also keeps our info request statistics).
Any/all of our Joomla! enhancements.

I do not know if this would be of use to anyone, but I would be interested in making this page as a kind of "look at what we do" page for other librarians. Offering the software and also some instructions on how we did things may also be a drawcard to the site.

Does anyone else know a library that offers this kind of information on their website? It doesn't have to be in English. Anyone? At all?


Michelle McLean says:
at: February 3, 2009 at 11:35 AM said...

The only librarians I know who post this sort of thing, usually do so on their blogs or personal websites.

This is a great idea Christian - I look forward to being able to check it out and refer other people to it.

Christian West says:
at: February 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM said...

Are you able to suggest any good librarian blogs/websites that I could have a look at for ideas? I have a few in mind but would love to know what you think would be good for me.


SB says:
at: February 9, 2009 at 3:24 PM said...

I've added information on the LibraryThing For Libraries Wiki for Amlib. Specifically the script to allow libraries to extract the required data LibraryThing needs. I had already given it to many libraries who had called me so I thought it was the next logical step to get the info out there. As for housing pages like this ourselves... no.

I am intrigued by your booking system. Expect an email!

Christian West says:
at: February 10, 2009 at 2:44 PM said...

I might just pinch that script one of these days when I get off my butt and investigate LTFL (we did some preliminary testing ages ago but never went anywhere with it).

And I look forward to the email re the booking system!