Friday, August 31, 2012

Ning, nang, nong

Hey, it turns out I was a Ning member of Library 2.0 anyway, so I didn't have to worry about setting up stuff. It turns out I'd registered for this Ning so I could be a part of an online conference last year called Library 2.011.
I find Ning a bit like one of those free website hosting tools that were around in the late 90s. Sure it's good to use, and provides stuff that isn't easily available on other website, but the lifespan is limited.
What it does provide easily is a forum for likeminded individuals, but you can use a free CMS to do that such as bbPress which you can easily add to your WordPress blog, or even use a fully functioning CMS like Joomla, Drupal or even something like XOOPS or CmsMadeSimple.
Actually, after reading through the site, I'd recommend using Joomla. It's free, you can probably find free webhosts for Joomla sites if you want, and it's designed around having a database of people that connect, which is what Ning is advertising itself as doing.
Meh @ Ning.
