Monday, September 17, 2007

#5 flickr

Teaching myself to play piano
Originally uploaded by tas666
This is my first post uploaded from my new flickr account. I am possibly going to have to edit it when it gets over to It took me AGES to do this because the stupid work firewall kept asking me to authenticate my details in the middle of uploading the picture and, after I'd authenticate, it would crash the browser.

Ah well, it's up now. I hope to never do this again from work, I think I'll just do it from home if I need to upload to here again.

What did I learn? That flickr is tied into Yahoo! so that Yahoo! can have more members who all have useless email accounts that mean nothing (or, if Yahoo! was my major email account provider then all of my services would be linked together with the one username...but I know that is not going to happen because belongs to Google).

Oh, and the PictureAustralia site was interesting. I especially loved the picture of Sunshine Library's librarian in 1965. <-- this used to be a link but it died. Bah. Go to Picture Australia and type in 'Sunshine library 1965' as a search term.


Laura says:
at: September 25, 2007 at 12:01 AM said...

Hey Chris, Thanks for your useful blog. I've been taking some tips and found very good links here. I'm just stepping in into this blogging craze, I guess I'll have to rush a bit to start building up my new blog.

One doubt about the photo above... are you a Photoshop wiz or do you have identical brothers (is this quadruplets???) :))) Brilliant pic!
(oh this is Laura from Syd)